The Shift to Modular Refrigeration

Point-of-use appliances make for sleek, efficient, social kitchens
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Modular refrigeration units are available with options that support today’s lifestyle choices.

Adjustable pre-programmed food and beverage modes. Temperature management systems provide users with the ability to choose settings that correspond to the types of foods and beverages that they maintain. Pre-programmed systems are available in which the user can choose from various modes that might include deli, market, root cellar, pantry, beverage, and polar mode. Deli mode (34 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit), for example, would recreate the showcase conditions of a delicatessen where proper preservation enables lunch meats, cheeses, and other delicacies to stay fresher and last longer. Market mode (34 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit) is for fresh fruits and vegetables, while the root cellar (45 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit) maintains crispness and preserves freshness of root vegetables without getting too cool. Factors like unstable temperature, light, bugs, and moisture all affect the extended preservation of dry goods, many of which are purchased in bulk. Pantry mode (34 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit) is intended to extend the life of dry goods like f lour, seasonings, and grains through an environment that maintains a stable temperature and ideal moisture level. Polar mode (-5 to 5 degrees Fahrenheit) maintains everyday frozen goods, like ice cream, without the hassle of freezer burn.

Alternatively, the temperature can be adjusted based on personal preferences within each mode. Temperature settings typically range from 34 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Adjustable shelves. In many modular refrigeration units, tempered glass shelves can be individually adjusted vertically for optimum space utilization.

Custom combination units. Many manufacturers offer the ability to create a customized configuration, combing refrigeration and wine, or wine and ice. Varying sizes and configurations are available for a wide range of situations from an all-in-one unit for extended stay guests, or as a refreshment center when entertaining, or as a typical kitchen workhorse

Crisper drawers ensure extended preservation of food and beverages and enhanced accessibility. Kitchens designed for health-conscious homeowners can utilize appliances that support a healthy lifestyle such as refrigerators with larger full-extension and removable crisper drawers, ensuring extended food preservation.

Lighting. Lighting options in modular products offer flexibility. On many models, the interior lighting, can be set to automatically turn off when the door is closed (default), or stay on for extended periods; and the interior light brightness can also be set to low, medium, or high, depending on personal preference. Some modular refrigeration products offer a unique 'LED Theater Lighting' feature, which gently illuminates when the door is opened, then softly dims off.

High production and capacity ice machines. The industry offers models with a high daily production of up to 60 pounds of restaurant-quality crystal clear ice cubes, and 30 pounds of ice storage capacity. Clear ice machine models do not allow air bubbles, gas, particulate, and chlorine to freeze in the cubes, providing restaurant-quality ice in the home. A clean indicator notifies the user when cleaning the unit is necessary, with an integrated quick 45-minute cleaning cycle available. Ice machines can be put in a silent mode by temporarily suspending operation for several hours.

Beverage centers. These units can be integrated into any application in the kitchen, or in an office, gym, or even bathroom. Temperatures can be adjusted to chill beverages down to 34°F. Most beverage centers are designed with adjustable glass shelving to accommodate various bottle sizes, including soda, juice, and water, and combination wine racks that are sufficiently large to accommodate oversized bottles such as champagne and craft beer bottles. Advanced models offer a control system with three distinct modes to chill various types of wine at the appropriate temperature. For example, sparkling wine is chilled to 38°F - 50°F, white wine to 45°F - 55°F, and red wine to 55°F - 65°F. A rubber-mounted compressor will eliminate vibration and the addition of low-E coated, argon gas-filled thermopane glass will help maintain energy efficiency and temperature stability while protecting beverages like wine against harmful UV light.

Design Advantages

Modular refrigeration is in sync with today's trend toward personalizing appliances and provides flexibility to support different activities, lifestyles, and behaviors. Auxiliary storage is gained, and overall kitchen choreography becomes more efficient by alleviating congestion and streamlining the workflow. The varying heights and configuration scenarios are also consistent with the principles of universal design and accessibility.

A sound investment. A modular kitchen can also prove to be a good investment for the homeowner. Along with other high-end kitchen options, state-of-the-art appliances are required to create a premium lifestyle in a home. Modular refrigeration provides the features that enrich the kitchen experience with the latest in cooling technology, coupled with style and sophisticated design.

Gourmet worthy. With the proliferation of cooking shows, high-end restaurants, and general increased consciousness of all things culinary, many home chefs have raised the bar on their cooking experience. Those who consider themselves discerning gourmets require a combination of utility and style in their home's centerpiece, the kitchen. Temperature-controlled storage for delicate items, adjustable interior configurations, hygienic food storage features, and professional-grade appearance are among the features that modular refrigeration can provide for demanding cooks.

Aesthetics. For the clean aesthetic quality prevalent in today's kitchens, modular refrigeration units with premium finishes in white, black, and stainless steel are generally available industry-wide, as are various integrated panel options. Industry watchers have noted a trend towards open space modular kitchen designs that incorporate horizontal lines and open shelving rather than closed upper cabinets. Manufacturers are following suit with models that support this design direction through products with horizontal linear elements, rather than breaking up the design with vertical lines.

European or frameless integration creates a sleek look in the kitchen.

Photo courtesy of ULine

European or frameless integration creates a sleek look in the kitchen."

Versatility. Modular refrigeration units are available in many configurations, including undercounter and built-in, and most modular products are available in various widths—15, 18, 24, 36 inches with many ADA height-compliant options available. Modular units are typically intended to fit into a standard cabinetry depth of 24 inches. Custom integrated panels can assure proper seamless integration with cabinetry, essentially allowing the appliances to disappear in the space.


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Originally published in Architectural Record
Originally published in April 2015

