Logo For Academy: Glass and Glazing Design

Glass and Glazing Design Academy

Brought to you by National Glass Association

Image For Academy: Glass and Glazing Design

From ancient Rome to modern design, glass remains a timeless, versatile building material. It enhances sustainability, comfort, and innovation in architecture. The Glass and Glazing Academy explores advancements like energy-efficient coatings and protective glazing, showcasing glass’s role in safety, design, and high-performance spaces.


Academy Courses



Image for the course: Keeping Pace with Technology

Keeping Pace with Technology

New design and installation tools have moved the glazing industry into the future

Credits: AIA/HSW, ICC

Type: Webinar On-Demand

Image for the course: Design Considerations for Commercial Fenestration Systems

Design Considerations for Commercial Fenestration Systems

A guide to specifying storefront, window wall, and curtain wall systems


Type: Article

Image for the course: Next-Level Glass Performance and Sustainability

Next-Level Glass Performance and Sustainability

A closer look at high-performance glass and glazing products, carbon-reduction opportunities, code drivers, retrofits and recyclability, and more

Credits: AIA/HSW

Type: Article

Image for the course: Key Strategies for Bird-Friendly Glazing

Key Strategies for Bird-Friendly Glazing

The importance of birds

Credits: AIA/HSW

Type: Multimedia

Image for the course: Illuminating Spaces

Illuminating Spaces

How architectural glazing supports mental health and wellness through daylight and views


Type: Article

Image for the course: The Value-Added Performance of Coated Glass

The Value-Added Performance of Coated Glass

Coatings available to improve energy performance

Credits: AIA/HSW

Type: Multimedia

Image for the course: Benefits of Daylighting in Building Design

Benefits of Daylighting in Building Design

Design considerations to minimize undesirable effects of glare and heat gain

Credits: AIA/HSW, ICC

Type: Multimedia

Image for the course: Beyond Energy: How Glass in Architecture Contributes to Occupant Well-Being and Comfort

Beyond Energy: How Glass in Architecture Contributes to Occupant Well-Being and Comfort

Glass as a multifaceted solution for post-pandemic commercial and residential construction


Type: Article

Academy Resources

National Glass Association Resources

Bird-Friendly Glass Design Strategies

Clear and reflective architectural glass in residential and commercial structures in urban, suburban, and rural landscapes can be a passive invisible killer of birds worldwide. Our collective evidence reveals that clear and reflective windows of all sizes are theorized to be invisible to potentially all birds due to what have been defined as fly-through conditions, reflected habitat conditions, or black-hole effect. The amount of glass and associated vegetation that attract potential victims best explain the number of casualties at any specific building.

Glass for Personal Protective Barriers

Retail, medical, educational and manufacturing facilities are implementing changes due to the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19, a respiratory illness believed to spread primarily by droplets from coughs or sneezes of infected persons to those nearby. Many businesses are installing clear personal protective barriers to physically shield employees from each other and from consumers to reduce potential exposure to the virus. In many applications, the barriers will become a permanent fixture; therefore, aesthetics and cleanability are important design considerations. Barriers can be constructed of plastic sheet or glass. Glass has several advantages in physical barrier applications and may be preferred over plastic, especially for permanent and public-facing barrier installations. Compared to plastic, glass is easy-to-clean, transparent and aesthetically-pleasing.