Pattern Mapping for Lasting Design

A study in the practical use of patterned panels for shade, screening, and cladding
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Sponsored by Parasoleil
Jeanette Fitzgerald Pitts


The texture of the base material can dramatically impact the aesthetics of the installation and the durability. Bold and unique colors and textures, like a native turquoise or a custom rusted metal look, can create even more visual interest in a structure and hide wear and tear like scratches or abuse from birds and other wildlife.


The scale of the installation refers to the size of an individual panel or the size of the total number of panels used in the space. Individual panels can range in size from 30 inches by 30 inches to 5 feet by 10 feet. Panels can be attached to create an installation of any desired size or shape.


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Originally published in Architectural Record
Originally published in May 2015

