The Power of Certified & Tested Insulating Glass Units

Now, manufacturers have one standard, one test and one certification protocol to adhere to, rather than trying to decide which of several to follow.
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Advertorial course provided by Insulating Glass Manufacturers Alliance
A simulation of weather cycling from hot to cold extremes with moisture added provides accelerated weather cycling testing under the standard.

Full testing to the current published version of the applicable standard is required before IGMA Certification is granted to a product. Units fabricated and submitted by the manufacturer for certification testing must reflect the manufacturer's actual product unit configuration in all respects.

For initial argon gas certification for the Canadian market, sample units for testing must be constructed in a gas fill configuration and subsequently filled with argon or applicable gas for testing under CGSB 12.8 test method for argon gas fill concentration. The average initial fill concentration over the ten test unit samples must meet the 90% initial fill concentration. If the manufacturers production units have a Low-E coating then the test specimens must also have the Low-E coating. An additional ten test unit samples must be manufactured for gas fill certification in addition to the number of test unit samples for conventional testing. The test unit samples that will undergo the conventional testing must also include argon or applicable gas fill and be manufactured with Low-E glass if applicable irrespective of whether these units are tested for initial gas fill. Additionally, the auditor will select at random an actual production unit that will accompany the test unit samples to the testing facility. The production unit must meet the minimum 90% initial fill level manufacturer's stated fill concentration level.

For initial argon gas fill certification in the U.S. the manufacturer must specify his initial fill level. If the manufacturer's production units have Low-E coating then the test specimens must also have the Low-E coating. An additional ten units must be manufactured for the initial gas fill concentration test. The average fill level over the ten test unit samples must meet at a minimum the manufacturers specified fill level. The test unit samples that will undergo the conventional testing must also include gas fill and be manufactured with Low-E glass if applicable irrespective of whether these units are tested for initial gas fill. Additionally, the auditor will select at random an actual production unit that will accompany the test unit samples to the testing facility. In addition to the pass criteria for the ten samples undergoing initial gas fill certification, the production unit must meet the minimum manufacturer's specified initial fill level in order to complete the pass criteria for argon certification.


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Originally published in Architectural Record.
Originally published in June 2006

