High-Performance Flooring

In sports, fitness, and recreation spaces, one size does not fit all when it comes to flooring. Athletic flooring must do more than look good at a good price point. These surfaces should assist and protect athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Engineered performance surfaces must provide safety, ergonomic, and acoustic benefits to the people using the surface. This course identifies the needs in each application and guides specifiers on the best performance surfacing to select.

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify the critical needs for performance surfacing in sports, fitness, and recreation applications.
  2. Define important terminologies and concepts for performance flooring.
  3. Discuss how performance flooring benefits athletes, fitness, and recreation enthusiasts.
  4. Examine the flooring priorities for the most common athletic applications and identify the best performance flooring to specify for safety, acoustics, and ergonomics.
  5. Discuss a case study showing many types of performance flooring specified in one complex facility.

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