Conquer the Energy Code for Architects and Engineers: Commercial

This Live Event happened on January 22, 2019 (9:00am - 5:00pm EST)

Conquering the Energy Code prepares architects and engineers to comply with the many new requirements in the 2015 NYS Energy Conservation Construction Code and design more energy-efficient buildings in the process. In an era of more stringent code enforcement, the course provides critical knowledge about significant changes, new provisions, and best practices to avoid objections and stalled projects.

There are two course modules—Commercial and Residential.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the structure and rationale behind the energy code, and know how to navigate it;
  2. Be able to differentiate the various compliance pathways and understand the requirements for compliance;
  3. Understand the interdependence of the building envelope, mechanical and lighting systems and their impacts on energy consumption;
  4. Know what to expect at progress inspections;
  5. Sharpen communications and coordination with clients, the design team, code officials and the construction team to remove barriers to compliance.

