Concrete Waterproofing Alternatives

Crystalline concrete technology eliminates the need for separate membranes
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Sponsored by Xypex Chemical Corporation
By Peter J. Arsenault, FAIA, NCARB, LEED AP
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Crystalline concrete waterproofing has gained much greater acceptance over the past 10 years and is now being used on larger and more prominent projects across the country and internationally. It is worth considering for any project where concrete is being used and waterproofing is needed.

Peter J. Arsenault, FAIA, NCARB, LEED AP, is a nationally known architect, consultant, presenter, and prolific author of more than 200 continuing education courses.,


Xypex Chemical Corporation Xypex Chemical Corporation manufactures a range of waterproofing and protection products used in the construction and restoration of water and sewage infrastructure, foundations, tunnels, manholes, and marine structures. Its unique penetrating and crystallizing technology has been tested and proven worldwide in all climates and in widely varying construction situations. Xypex products are sold through an international network of distributors in more than 70 countries.


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Originally published in Architectural Record
Originally published in December 2019

