ADA Signage: Mastering the Compliance Basics
Learning Objectives:
- Obtain a better understanding of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Review ADA guidelines in terms of architectural signage
- Explain the litigation risks to building owners for non-compliance
- Identify the latest ADA signage material and manufacturing processes
This course is approved as a Structured Course
This course can be self-reported to the AANB, as per their CE Guidelines
Approved for structured learning
Approved for Core Learning
This course can be self-reported to the NLAA
Course may qualify for Learning Hours with NWTAA
Course eligible for OAA Learning Hours
This course is approved as a core course
*State-certified members self-report 1 ADA State Accessibility/Barrier-Free
This course can be self-reported for Learning Units to the Architectural Institute of British Columbia
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) turned 30 years old in 2020. Originally passed in 1990, the major revision to the Standards for Accessible Design (SAD) in 2010 gave the law more teeth – compliance is now required and enforceable on the federal level.
Since the ADA views visual impairments as a disability covered under the Act, there are specific guidelines pertaining to signage products. The two categories covered under interior signage are Wall Mounted, Ceiling Mounted or Projected. Within the Wall Mounted category, Identification of permanent room signs, Directional signs, and Informational signs are covered. Within the Ceiling or Projected Mounted category, Directional and Information signs are covered.

Photo credit: Illustration courtesy of Inpro Corporation
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Dan Roller is the Product Manager for architectural signage for Inpro. Inpro is an industry leader in interior and exterior architectural products. In his 19 years with Inpro, Dan has worked with contractors, architects, designers, and facilities to give a better understanding of ADA signage. He continues to develop standard and custom projects for facilities across many different industries with careful consideration for the Americans with Disabilities Act. |