New Innovations in Vertical Air Conditioning
In this course, you have learned how air conditioning technologies have evolved in meaningful ways as building owners and occupants take into account old and new problems, including those related to the pandemic. Vertical terminal air conditioning is one such technology that has shown savings in time and costs, addressing skilled labor shortages with self-contained and self-aligning systems that are easy to install. They also provide aesthetic appeal that air conditioning systems of the past have been unable to do, which offers a better experience for occupants and for designers who aim for better architectural visions. Finally, wireless programming and diagnostics technology give building owners more control over their systems and an ability to meet the needs of their occupants in ways that not only keeps them satisfied but offers better support for their long- and short-term quality of life.
Erika Fredrickson is an independent writer and editor focusing on technology, the environment, and history. She is a frequent contributor for continuing education courses.