Mastering FSC-Certified Wood in Green Building
How FSC Works
Forest Management Certification
Forest management standards and certification are at the core of the FSC system.
To monitor specific forestry operations, FSC accredits independent certification bodies that send teams of experts—foresters, ecologists and social scientists—who conduct annual on-site audits based on FSC standards. Forests and plantations with management that meets FSC standards provide the certified timber that is the raw material for FSC-certified products.
FSC’s forest management standards are global in scope. Because of the wide variety of ecosystems to which they are applied—for example, natural forests in tropical, temperate, and boreal regions as well as plantations—the standards are designed to be globally consistent while still allowing for regional applicability. This is achieved through Principles & Criteria that apply universally and provide the framework for detailed indicators that are developed and applied at a national or subnational level.
Around the world, FSC standards are designed to uphold the integrity of natural forest ecosystems, protect rare old-growth forests, preserve soil and water quality, maintain wildlife habitat, and prohibit highly hazardous chemicals. FSC also requires forest managers to engage local community members and protect the rights of indigenous people.
Chain-of-Custody Certification
Certification of responsible forest management is at the heart of FSC, but the certification program has a second critical component: chain-of-custody (CoC) certification. CoC certification is available to all companies that process or sell forest products, from sawmills and fabricators to distributors and retailers. FSC requires Coc certification for all companies in the supply chain that take legal possession of FSC-certified products and wish to use FSC trademarks in sales and promotions.
CoC audits of company practices and procedures are vital to ensure that only raw materials meeting FSC standards are used in FSC-certified product lines; that certified and non-certified materials are properly tracked and segregated; and that FSC trademarks are properly used in labeling and invoicing. CoC certification is essential to the integrity of the FSC system. If a single link in the supply chain between the forest and the end of the chain is not CoC certified, then the chain is broken and products cannot be sold as FSC certified.
Companies that undergo audits and obtain FSC CoC certificates have the right to sell and promote FSC-certified products, but this does not mean that all of the products they offer are FSC certified. Most companies that have FSC CoC offer both certified and non-certified products. According to FSC’s Corey Brinkema, “A CoC certificate is like a driver’s license. It shows that you know how to drive a car and gives you the right to drive, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are doing so!”
FSC Labels and Claims
There are two ways to determine if a product is FSC certified. The first way is to look for an FSC label on the product itself. The FSC chain-of-custody standard dictates which products are eligible to bear which FSC labels. The two main labels that building professionals are likely to see are the FSC 100% and the FSC Mix labels. (See Table 2 “FSC Labels”) An FSC Recycled label can be applied to products from building salvage or other approved sources. FSC does not require FSC labels to be used on certified products, and it is not always practical to individually label FSC-certified wood products—such as 2x4s—used in building construction. Whether or not they bear a label, FSC-certified wood products must be identified as such by a claim on an invoice. An FSC invoice claim should only come from a company with a valid FSC CoC certificate, and like an FSC label, this claim is proof that a product is FSC certified.
FSC Labels and Claims Continued
There are several different types of FSC claims. Three of the most common for wood building products are:
- FSC 100%
- FFSC Mix [NN]% (where [NN] is usually a number between 70 and 100)
- F FSC Mix Credit
FSC claims provide more detail about how the product was made than do the more basic FSC labels found on products. FSC-certified products may also bear “FSC Recycled” claims.