Vertical Wheelchair Lifts: Specifying for Safety, Accessibility and Building Needs

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Sponsored by Ascension, a Division of AGM
Karin Tetlow


Major producers of wheelchair lifts manufacture their products to comply with ADA standards, noting that they are designed and tested in accordance with the following standards: ASME A18.1, ASME A17.5, ADAAG, ANSI A117.1, and NFPA 70 (NEC).

Permanently installed wheelchair lifts must also comply with building requirements. Portable wheelchair lifts are considered equipment and are not required to meet building codes. The most recent version of ADAAG is found on the Access Board web site ( and the link (

The U.S. Access Board  ( has published a useful bulletin, BULLETIN 35: USING ADAAG to serve the specific needs of architects and other design professionals who must apply the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) to new construction and alterations projects covered by titles II (state and local government services) and III (public accommodations and commercial facilities) of the ADA. It is also intended to clarify accessibility regulations generally, including those that apply to existing facilities covered by the ADA.

ADA guidelines ( are published by the Department of Justice titledADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG.) Wheelchair lifts are classified under 4.11 Platform Lifts (Wheelchair Lifts).

Platform (wheelchair) lifts under ADAAG 4.11.2 must also meet Section XX ofASME A17.1-1990 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators:  theSafety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts.  (Note:  More recent versions of theASME A17.1 Safety Code do not include provisions contained in Section XX for platform lifts; these provisions are now provided in a new separate standard known as the ANSI/ASME A18.1-1999 Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts.) 

4.11 Platform Lifts (Wheelchair Lifts).

  • 4.11.1Location. Platform lifts (wheelchair lifts) permitted by 4.1 shall comply with the requirements of 4.11.
  • 4.11.2Other Requirements. If platform lifts (wheelchair lifts) are used, they shall comply with, and ASME A17.1 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, Section XX, 1990 (see above).
  • 4.11.3Entrance. If platform lifts are used then they shall facilitate unassisted entry, operation, and exit from the lift in compliance with 4.11.2.
4.2.4 Clear Floor or Ground Space for Wheelchairs.
  • and Approach. The minimum clear floor or ground space required to accommodate a single, stationary wheelchair and occupant is 30 in by 48 in (760 mm by 1220 mm). The minimum clear floor or ground space for wheelchairs may be positioned for forward or parallel approach to an object. Clear floor or ground space for wheelchairs may be part of the knee space required under some objects.
  • of Maneuvering Clearance to Wheelchair Spaces. One full unobstructed side of the clear floor or ground space for a wheelchair shall adjoin or overlap an accessible route or adjoin another wheelchair clear floor space. If a clear floor space is located in an alcove or otherwise confined on all or part of three sides, additional maneuvering clearances shall be provided as shown in Fig. 4(d) and (e) (see diagram). (Comment: Wheelchair lifts are typically considered to be alcoves. According to Fig. 4 (e), the minimum inside platform dimensions for a wheelchair lift with its gates on opposite ends (so that the user has a straight approach to the lift) are 36 inches x 48 inches.)
  • for Wheelchair Spaces. Clear floor or ground spaces for wheelchairs shall comply with 4.5.
4.5 Ground and Floor Surfaces.
  • 4.5.1 General. Ground and floor surfaces along accessible routes and in accessible rooms and spaces including floors, walks, ramps, stairs, and curb ramps, shall be stable, firm, slip-resistant, and shall comply with 4.5.
  • 4.5.2Changes in Level. Changes in level up to 1/4 in (6 mm) may be vertical and without edge treatment. Changes in level between 1/4 in and 1/2 in (6 mm and 13 mm) shall be beveled with a slope no greater than 1:2. Changes in level greater than 1/2 in (13 mm) shall be accomplished by means of a ramp that complies with 4.7 or 4.8.
  • 4.5.3Carpet. If carpet or carpet tile is used on a ground or floor surface, then it shall be securely attached; have a firm cushion, pad, or backing, or no cushion or pad; and have a level loop, textured loop, level cut pile, or level cut/uncut pile texture. The maximum pile thickness shall be 1/2 in (13 mm). Exposed edges of carpet shall be fastened to floor surfaces and have trim along the entire length of the exposed edge. Carpet edge trim shall comply with 4.5.2
  • 4.5.4Gratings. If gratings are located in walking surfaces, then they shall have spaces no greater than 1/2 in (13 mm) wide in one direction. If gratings have elongated openings, then they shall be placed so that the long dimension is perpendicular to the dominant direction of travel.
4.27 Controls and Operating Mechanisms.
  • 4.27.1 General. Controls and operating mechanisms required to be accessible by 4.1 shall comply with 4.27.
  • 4.27.2Clear Floor Space. Clear floor space complying with 4.2.4 that allows a forward or a parallel approach by a person using a wheelchair shall be provided at controls, dispensers, receptacles, and other operable equipment.
  • 4.27.3Height. The highest operable part of controls, dispensers, receptacles, and other operable equipment shall be placed within at least one of the reach ranges specified in 4.2.5 and 4.2.6. Electrical and communications system receptacles on walls shall be mounted no less than 15 in (380 mm) above the floor.
    • EXCEPTION: These requirements do not apply where the use of special equipment dictates otherwise or where electrical and communications systems receptacles are not normally intended for use by building occupants.
  • 4.27.4Operation. Controls and operating mechanisms shall be operable with one hand and shall not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist. The force required to activate controls shall be no greater than 5 lbf (22.2N).

New construction

  • 4.1.3Accessible Buildings: New Construction. Accessible buildings and facilities shall meet the following minimum requirements:
    (5) One passenger elevator shall serve each level, including mezzanines, in all multi-story buildings and facilities unless exempted below.

    EXCEPTION 4: Platform lifts (wheelchair lifts) complying with 4.11 of this guideline and applicable state or local codes may be used in lieu of an elevator only under the following conditions:
    (a) To provide an accessible route to a performing area in an assembly occupancy.
    (b) To comply with the wheelchair viewing position line-of-sight and dispersion requirements.
    (c) To provide access to incidental occupiable spaces and rooms which are not open to the general public and which house no more than five persons, including but not limited to equipment control rooms and projection booths
    (d) To provide access where existing site constraints or other constraints make use of a ramp or an elevator infeasible. 

Minimum Clear Floor Space for Wheelchairs


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Originally published in April 2012

