Science, research, and the application wisdom accrued over time all come together in the art of architectural acoustics. The beauty of a space is no longer constrained to simply the visual impression, today acoustic design is as important, or possibly even more critical, to the occupant experience. A “total acoustics” approach to design is now a requirement for many projects, especially performance venues, education institutions and health care facilities. The audible experience of the occupant - from the time they enter the space until they leave -must be thoughtfully designed to enhance, limit, and control sound transmission. The Acoustics Academy provides a look at innovative and contemporary acoustical choices that complement the built environment, regardless of the desired aesthetics. It examines the basics of sound transmission in commercial spaces, to creating venues that blend cultural context with performance requirements. This academy looks at how integration of cutting-edge sound blocking, and noise control elements can play a necessary part in both occupant well-being and sustainable design goals.
Exploring the Harmony of Innovation, Design, and Acoustic Excellence
Credits: AIA, ICC
Type: Webinar On-Demand
Optimizing Soundscapes for Superior Spaces
Credits: AIA
Type: Article
Brain Trust: Architects engage with users to create environments that support those with a multiplicity of neurocognitive abilities and needs
Credits: AIA
Type: Article
Credits: AIA, GBCI, ICC
Type: Multimedia
New options provide architects improved acoustics without sacrificing aesthetics
Credits: AIA, GBCI, ICC
Type: Article
Credits: AIA, ICC
Type: Webinar On-Demand
The Importance of Acoustic and Reverberation Control in Large Indoor Spaces
Credits: AIA, ICC
Type: Webinar On-Demand
A thoughtful acoustic design is critical to educators and students
Credits: AIA, ICC
Type: Multimedia