Acoustical Design for Today's Buildings  

The world of interior acoustic design

Sponsored by Armstrong World Industries

This course is part of the Acoustics Academy

Acoustics are one of the foundational pillars of Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)that not only affect occupant satisfaction but also productivity, confidentiality, and health. This one-hour CEU will dive into the world of interior acoustic design. We'll explore the fundamental principles of creating sustainable spaces that sound as good as they look.

Acoustic Design

Photo courtesy of Armstrong World Industries

Large open meeting spaces have traditionally been a challenge for controlling noise. New acoustic ceiling treatments and approaches have allowed for the merger of sound control and aesthetics.

Originally published in Architectural Record

Originally published in November 2023

  • Analyze and explore the fundamental principles related to interior acoustic design and their relationship to green buildings and sustainable design.
  • Examine the traditional and new ceiling system options available to provide interior acoustic treatments that are both visually appealing as well as acoustically appropriate to the space use.
  • Assess the various characteristics of acoustical ceilings that can contribute to green and sustainable building design.
  • Recognize and identify the acoustic needs of different design applications and the attributes to look for, including contributions to green building certification.