Healthcare Academy
Brought to you by ROCKFON

  8 AIA LU/HSW; 0 AIA LU/Elective

Healthcare facilities need to pull in all possible resources available to ensure patients, staff, and visitors are safe and healthy. Indoor environmental quality (IEQ), noise control, and basic durability issues must be addressed to promote the optimum healing environment. While traditionally healthcare facilities were designed to focus primarily on the care of the patient, that isn’t the case anymore. Modern hospitals, clinics, and urgent care centers need to cater to the comfort, emotional well-being, and aesthetic needs of visitors and staff as well as patients. Understanding what options are available, how to design and specify, and meet or exceed these expectations can be daunting for the architect. The Healthcare Academy provides real world examples, support, and knowledge to empower architects and designers tasked with the opportunity to create truly healthy and beautiful healing spaces.

Academy Courses
Focus on Facility Guidelines Institute Ceilings
Navigating the FGI ceiling requirements in healthcare facilities to ensure compliance and acoustic c...
Healthy Spaces for Healing Environments
How a focus on IAQ can promote healthier healing environments.
Stone Wool Ceiling Tiles in Healthcare
High-performance ceilings’ role in helping deliver resilient buildings and healthy spaces