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Noise can have negative physiological and psychological impacts on building occupants, and can compromise learning and productivity. Past approaches to acoustic design did not adequately mitigate noise within buildings; however, new standards and strategies are improving acoustic performance, with positive benefits to occupant health and well-being. In this course, learn how to implement a three-step process to achieve optimized acoustics, by selecting ceiling absorption, wall sound insulation, and background sound level. This course will introduce the reader to key terms related to acoustic performance, including Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC), Sound Transmission Class (STC), and Ceiling Attenuation Class (CAC). You will learn how to select the appropriate ceiling absorption and wall insulation for a particular application, and will also learn how lightweight plenum barriers can be used to achieve effective sound blocking when walls do not extend full height. Finally, this course will instruct the reader how to design the appropriate background noise level based on wall blocking capacity.
Rockfon provides customers with a complete ceiling system offering, combining stone wool ceiling panels with suspension grid systems, metal ceiling solutions, and now wood ceilings. Our products help create beautiful, comfortable spaces. Easy to install and durable, they protect people from noise and the spread of fire while making a constructive contribution toward a sustainable future.
Originally published in National Driller
Originally published in July 2020