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Few specifications could be as important as those for hospitals and healthcare facilities. The ceiling system plays an important part in the overall healthiness of the building, as well as the patients and staff. Attention should be given to ceiling systems with excellent acoustic performance to cut down on noise that makes staff irritable and inhibits patient healing. The ceiling system can save energy on lighting and cooling. It can help prevent mold and infections with its cleanability. It can be made of recycled and recyclable materials. And a full palette of colors can help create a warm and inviting setting appealing to patients, staff, and visitors alike.
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Rockfon provides customers with a complete ceiling system offering, combining stone wool ceiling panels with suspension grid systems, metal ceiling solutions, and now wood ceilings. Our products help create beautiful, comfortable spaces. Easy to install and durable, they protect people from noise and the spread of fire while making a constructive contribution toward a sustainable future.
Originally published in Architectural Record
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Originally published in July 2020