PVC Roofing Materials  

This course will describe the many benefits of using a white reflective PVC roofing membrane

Sponsored by Versico Roofing Systems

This course is part of the Commercial Roofing Academy

This course will describe the many benefits of using a white reflective PVC roofing membrane, including saving energy and reducing the use of fossil fuels. The question of which buildings should consider PVC roofs will also be discussed.

PVC Roofing

Photo courtesy of Versico Roofing


  1. Learn the history of PVC and its benefits to the environment and building occupants.
  2. Review how PVC membranes fit within building codes for fire resistance and within industry energy programs promoting sustainability.
  3. Review studies on the material’s service life so the designer is more prepared to discuss PVC options with the building owner.
  4. Learn how the characteristics of PVC roofing membranes can help prevent the spread of fire and how PVC membranes use less fossil fuels than other thermoplastics.
  5. Learn how decisions about different roofing components, such as the thickness, scrim choice, and formula in the manufacturing of PVC roofing membranes can affect buildings and their occupants.

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Originally published in Architectural Record

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Originally published in April 2024