Designing Sustainable, Prefabricated Wood Buildings

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End Notes

1 Stock Glulam Resource Kit. APA – The Engineered Wood Association. Web. 8 January 2019.

2 Ibid

3 What is the thermal conductivity of wood and how does it compare to other materials? American Wood Council. Web. 8 January 2019.

Design Guidance and Resources

There are many resources available to architects and engineers designing mass timber projects.

  • For general information, the Think Wood website ( offers an expanding library of materials on mass timber products, research, building examples, and developments related to tall wood buildings.
  • The National Design Specification (NDS) for Wood Construction ( is the IBC-referenced design standard for lumber, glulam, SCL, and CLT, including fire design, fasteners and connections, etc. A mass timber building in the United States cannot be designed without the NDS.
  • The U.S. CLT Handbook ( includes detailed technical information on the use of CLT. It should be used in conjunction with information provided by manufacturers since most CLT currently available in North America is propriety (i.e., layups aren’t standard across suppliers).
  • APA Product Reports ( signify a product’s compliance with relevant provisions of the model building codes. The L-Series covers products manufactured from lumber, veneer, or other wood base, such as glulam and structural composite lumber (SCL).


Think Wood

Think Wood represents North America’s softwood lumber industry. We share a passion for wood and the forests it comes from. Our goal is to generate awareness and understanding of wood’s advantages in the built environment. Join the Think Wood community to make a difference for the future. Get the latest research, news, and updates on innovative wood use. Visit to learn more and join.

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Originally published in January 2019
