Benefits of a Rigid Cover Board in Commercial Roofing Systems  

Gain a better understanding of the value rigid cover boards deliver to commercial roof assemblies

Sponsored by Georgia-Pacific Building Products

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The objective of this course is to gain a better understanding of the value rigid cover boards deliver to commercial roof assemblies, how they perform in adverse conditions, and the characteristics of each major type of board.


Image courtesy of Georgia-Pacific Building Products

  • Discuss the evolution of roofing cover boards from the 1970s to present day, particularly in light of the use of single-ply membranes.
  • Explain how the forces of nature (i.e., fire, wind uplift, moisture, hail/puncture, foot traffic, and sound) affect roof function and durability of different types of roof cover boards.
  • Summarize the advantages related to the construction process and cost benefits when including a cover board in all types of commercial roof assembly design.
  • Identify the roof system types, specialty systems (i.e., photovoltaic and vegetative roofs), and attachment options that can be utilized specifically with glass mat gypsum cover boards.

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Originally published in Architectural Record

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Originally published in March 2019