Floodproofing Design Techniques and Code Regulations  

The potential risk associated with building in the floodplain

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In this 1-hour course, we’ll identify FEMA, NFIP, ASCE, ICC and Building Code Standards that pertain to flood hazard areas. The goal is to review the potential risk associated with building in the floodplain and the mitigation steps you can take to protect structures and maintain business continuity. After the training, attendees should have a thorough understanding of the floodproofing options available as well as the recent updates and changes in the world of floodplain design.

flood proofing

Photo by Super Flood Log System, Vienna, WV.


  1. Describe floods and the potential hazards to buildings.
  2. Explain the differences between wet and dry floodproofing techniques.
  3. Define the differences in engineered and non-engineered flood openings and their ability to ensure resilient structures.
  4. Active vs. passive floodproofing solutions and the overall impact of ownership.

Originally published in Architectural Record

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Originally published in June 2024