2021 IBC: Building Bigger and Taller with Low-Carbon Wood  

2021 International Building Code (IBC) changes related to tall wood construction

Sponsored by Think Wood

Originally published in Architectural Record

Originally published in July 2023

  1. Explore the evolution of building with wood and the impact new IBC changes are having on the ability to specify mass timber in tall buildings that meet safety requirements for occupancy.
  2. Examine the new 2021 International Building Code changes related to tall wood construction, including three new building types that allow for wood buildings up to 18 stories and even taller using an Alternate Materials and Methods Requests (AMMR).
  3. Analyze design tactics and relevant code applications used to boost the density of light-frame wood construction and the impact these tactics have on the safety of the occupants within the built environment.
  4. Review the science related to wood’s embodied carbon and life-cycle assessment in the context of curbing a building’s impact on climate change.