Energy Efficiency and Resilience of Building and Renovating With Propane

Exploring propane’s energy advantages for residential renovations and new construction
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Sponsored by The Propane Education & Research Council
By Amanda C Voss, MPP
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1GREET 2021.
2GTI Report.
3Carbon Dioxide Emissions Coefficients. U.S. Energy Information Administration. September 7, 2023. Accessed July 24, 2024.
4(2021) EPA - CHP Benefit. benefits
5 Accessed August 8, 2024.
6“U.S. electricity customers averaged five and one-half hours of power interruptions in 2022.” Today in Energy. U.S. Energy Information Administration. January 25, 2024.,in%202022%20compared%20with%202021. Accessed July 25, 2024.
7“Heating oil explained.” U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).,the%20U.S.%20Northeast%20Census%20Region. Accessed July 30, 2024.
8(2021) Renewable Propane as a Sustainable Fuel Solution in California. sustainable-fuel-solution-california/.

Amanda C Voss, MPP, is an author, editor, and policy analyst. Writing for multiple publications, she has also served as the managing editor for Energy Design Update.


The Propane Education & Research Council The Propane Education & Research Council is a nonprofit that provides leading propane safety and training programs and invests in research and development of new propane-powered technologies. PERC programs benefit a variety of markets including residential and commercial building.


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Originally published in September 2024

