Harvesting Rain: System Design for Strategic Rainwater Capture  

Conserving water through rainwater harvesting saves natural resources, providing water for use in buildings and for site irrigation

Sponsored by WATTS Water Technologies, Inc., BLÜCHER, and Powers | Celeste Allen Novak, AIA, LEED AP

While developing Detroit's new Sugar Hill district renovations, Diane Van Buren, project planner and sustainable design coordinator at Zachary and Associates, has shown concern about the environment. Her focus has been on developing housing that will meet today's needs while still planning for the city's sustainable future. In order to meet her environmental targets, she has volunteered to be part of a new Detroit Water Sub-committee (WSC), a unit of city council member Ken Cockerel's Green Task Force. This committee has a framework of key issues that include developing community outreach, water conservation strategies and best management practices. The WSC is currently proposing downspout disconnection as an amendment to the City code in order to reduce the burden on the city's aging infrastructure that still has a combined stormwater and sewer system.

In the Sugar Hill District, approximately 950,000 gallons of rainwater will be collected from three rooftops and channeled through the small district for a variety of uses, including ponds and cisterns. The developers are seeking financing for the project through tax-increment financing allowable under the State of Michigan guidelines for stormwater control. This project will also highlight rainwater in sculptures to involve artists and the community in this new arts entertainment district. The challenge for these developers is to find the best design solutions for storing and distributing stormwater.

According to G. Edward Van Giesen III, ARCSA Registered Professional, MLA, policy coordinator for BRAE Rainwater Harvesting Systems, "a growing number of cities and states are rewriting their codes and making rainwater harvesting an essential part of their sustainability goals."

Design professionals can no longer create impervious surfaces independent of the variety of environmental effects that these surfaces cause. This represents a paradigm shift from thinking of water as something merely to get rid of to one that gives greater value to water and understands its intrinsic connection to the built environment."

Illustration courtesy of BRAE; Image courtesy of Lord, Aeck & Sargent, ©Jonathan Hillyer Photography

Diagram illustrating rainwall harvesting system (top); The Grand Bay Coastal Resources Center in Moss Point, Mississippi obtained the USGBC LEED® GOLD rating in 2010 thanks in part to its rainwater harvesting system (bottom).


Rainwater is a national and global issue, whether there is too much rain or too little rain. Adapting strategic rainwater collection can conserve this natural resource. Defined in the Georgia Rainwater Harvesting Guidelines Manual, rainwater harvesting, in its essence is the collection, conveyance and storage of rainwater. Rainwater collected from roof surfaces and other above-ground structures is not "recycled water" nor is it "gray water," but an abundant source of fresh water, generally undervalued in the United States.1

This article is about harvesting and integrating rainwater as a strategy to conserve water and save energy. There are many components to a successful rainwater system. These elements should be specified as an integrated system rather than a checklist of assembled pieces. Whether buildings are sited in dense cities, the suburbs or rural environments, rainwater harvesting can be a successful strategy for meeting many green building goals.


Grand Bay Coastal Resources Center: Highlighting Water Conservation


Archeological evidence reveals that for over 4,500 years, humans have lived in the rich biodiversity of the tidal estuary areas of the Grand Bay Natural Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR). The Grand Bay NERR, an isolated reserve on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, comprises some 18,000 acres of marshes, waters and coastal wetlands that are home to several rare plant and animal species as well as numerous commercial and recreational fish species. The land is owned and jointly managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources (DMR). Through its research and educational outreach efforts, the new facility supports the NERR's charter to promote stewardship of coastal resources using an integrated program of research, long-term monitoring, training and education.

Image courtesy of Lord, Aeck & Sargent, ©Jonathan Hillyer Photography

A view of the galvanized sheet metal storage tank used for rainwater harvesting at Grand Bay Coastal Resources Center.

A new headquarters building, designed by the Atlanta offices of architects Lord, Aeck & Sargent in collaboration with Studio South Architects, serves as a center for scientists and students to test, observe and document the environment of this sensitive southeastern Mississippi nature preserve. The building was designed to reflect environmental stewardship of water resources. According to David Ruple, manager of the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, "In an effort to reflect our environmental philosophy, I feel that it is not only important to do good conservation work but also to demonstrate how we can build and live more sustainably. I believe that the design and materials incorporated into our new facility will reflect that philosophy. We first had the idea of a green building in 2001 as we developed the master plan for the reserve. We were fortunate to receive the support and funding needed to build it as we envisioned. As we live in a very rainy part of the country, we feel it is important to demonstrate good water conservation practices, capturing and using that abundant rainfall on site."

Environmental protection, water conservation and energy savings were important demonstration and educational components of this coastal headquarters. When the oil from the BP spill began to infiltrate the waters of this protected reserve, it became apparent that rainwater conservation was also a practical strategy. Rainwater from the roof is collected in two 6,500-gallon above ground cisterns and used for toilet flushing and for washing salt water from the Center's research boats. As part of the overall water strategy, the building also has dual-flush toilets, low-flow faucets, waterless urinals and native landscaping. In addition, a bio-filtration wastewater system was also installed as an alternative to a conventional septic field. By design, the Center is projected to use 76 percent less potable water and 53.5 percent less energy than comparable conventional buildings and 40 percent less purified water for toilets and equipment washing.

Jim Nicolow, the director of sustainability for Lord, Aeck & Sargent commented, "One of the big challenges when planning for rainwater collection is that it doesn't really fit into the typical division of labor on a design team or a construction site. There is a potential gap between the civil and plumbing engineers and it can get muddy' as to who takes responsibility for the integration of the components. Involving a rainwater system manufacturer in the design process allows for more successful integration of a rainwater collection system."

This headquarters building achieved LEED® GOLD in 2010, a confirmation of the NERR's commitment to the highest principles of environmentally sensitive design, construction and operation.

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Storage capacity designed to collect roof runoff and as part of an integrated design strategy

Section courtesy of Lord, Aeck & Sargent

Originally published in Architectural Record

Originally published in June 2013

  1. Discuss the basics of rainwater harvesting as a renewable resource.
  2. Specify the many interior and exterior uses of rainwater in buildings.
  3. Identify the components of an integrated rainwater harvesting system.
  4. List community benefits of rainwater harvesting systems.