Roles and Responsibilities for Success with CFS Framing  

The Answer to the Age-Old Question:  “Who is Responsible for What?”

Sponsored by Telling Industries | Presented by Jeffrey M. Klaiman, PE

Webinar On-Demand

For a project to be successful, it takes more than good number crunching by an engineer. The engineer is only one part of a much larger team working together to design and construct the project. Sometimes, the lines of responsibility can be unclear, leading to delays, arguments and stress. Who is responsible for what? How is the burden of responsibility determined in cold-formed steel (CFS) design and construction practice? This webinar will introduce and share recent updates to the AISI Code of Standard Practice (COSP), discuss the contents of the COSP as it applies to a typical CFS project, and answer participant questions by way of an expert in both CFS design and CFS project management.


Photo courtesy of ADTEK Engineers, Inc.



Jeffrey M. Klaiman, PE has over 30 years of experience in the construction industry. He is principal in charge of structural engineering at ADTEK Engineers, Inc., where he oversees the design and coordination of all cold-formed steel design documents. Jeff manages in-house staff in five offices for general structural and cold-formed steel framing design, develops project schedules, and coordinates quality control reviews with project managers on his team. He participates on the American Iron and Steel Institute’s Committee on Specifications for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members and the Committee on Framing Standards. Jeff is chairman of the Standard Practices Subcommittee of the AISI Committee on Framing Standards, chairman of the SFIA Technical Committee, and vice-president of MASFA. He has been a member of CFSEI for more than 15 years, is the current Managing Director, and served as a past president. Jeff is also a member of ASTM International and the Steel Framing Alliance.

Originally published in Building Enclosure and Walls & Ceilings

Originally published in June 2024

  • Cover the different roles that architects, engineers, contractors, fabricators and other parties play in a CFS framing project.
  • Gain knowledge of the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) Code of Standard for Structural Cold-Formed Steel Framing (COSP).
  • Become familiar with common examples of items in the COSP and how they can be used in actual projects.
  • Identify new items/changes in 2020 edition of the COSP.