Education Exchange - Continuing Education Center

The Evolution of Water-Resistive and Air Barriers in Commercial Building Envelope Construction  

All-in-one integrated gypsum sheathing system

Sponsored by Georgia-Pacific Building Products

The purpose of this course is, first, to take a look at the evolution of water-resistive and air barriers—we’ll refer to them as WRB-ABs for short—in commercial building envelopes. And second, to introduce new, all-in-one integrated gypsum sheathing and WRB-AB systems as viable alternatives to traditional systems.

Photo courtesy of Georgia-Pacific Building Products

  1. Explain the key functions required by building codes for water-resistive barriers, continuous air barriers, vapor retarders, and thermal barriers in a building envelope/enclosure.
  2.  Describe the durability, resilience, energy efficiency, and advantages/disadvantages of the various WRB-AB systems currently on the market.
  3. Describe the differences in manufacturing and performance between coated and fully integrated methods of all-in-one sheathing systems available in the marketplace today.
  4. Design with integrated sheathing products to achieve labor, material, and installation time savings in commercial building envelope construction.