All Credits: Less Is More Sustainable: Taking a Pre-engineered Approach to Reducing Embodied Carbon  

Architects are embracing pre-engineered solutions that reduce embodied carbon and increase energy efficiency

Sponsored by Armstrong World Industries | Presented by Eric Liftin, AIA, Alan Scott, FAIA, LEED FELLOW, LEED AP, CEM, WELL AP, and Brett Sareyka

As an IACET Accredited Provider, BNP Media offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard.

*State-certified members self-report 1 Hour Zero Net Carbon Design Credit

This course is approved as a Structured Course

This course can be self-reported to the AANB, as per their CE Guidelines

Approved for structured learning

This course can be self-reported for Learning Units to the Architectural Institute of British Columbia

Approved for Core Learning

This course can be self-reported to the NLAA

Course may qualify for Learning Hours with NWTAA

Course eligible for OAA Learning Hours

This course is approved as a core course