1.5 AIA LU/HSW, 0.1 ICC CEU, AAA 1 Structured Learning Hour, This course can be self-reported to the AANB, as per their CE Guidelines, AAPEI 1 Structured Learning Hour, This course can be self-reported to the AIBC, as per their CE Guidelines., 0.1 IACET CEU*, MAA 1 Structured Learning Hour, This course can be self-reported to the NLAA., This course can be self-reported to the NSAA, NWTAA 1 Structured Learning Hour, OAA 1 Learning Hour, SAA 1 Hour of Core Learning, and 1 AIBD P-CE
AAA 1 Structured Learning Hour, This course can be self-reported to the AANB, as per their CE Guidelines, AAPEI 1 Structured Learning Hour, This course can be self-reported to the AIBC, as per their CE Guidelines., 1.5 AIA LU/HSW, 0.1 IACET CEU*, MAA 1 Structured Learning Hour, This course can be self-reported to the NLAA., This course can be self-reported to the NSAA, NWTAA 1 Structured Learning Hour, OAA 1 Learning Hour, SAA 1 Hour of Core Learning, 1 AIBD P-CE, and 0.1 ICC CEU