Got Codes? Practical FHA-ADA-Accessibility Code Compliance

This is session 1 of the AIA Seattle: Got codes? Seminars.

AIA Seattle's Code Committee has worked with experts to plan four half-day programs, covering topics including accessibility, assembly occupancies, the nuts and bolts of residential codes, and more!

Apartment construction is booming. The various standards for accessibility compliance are necessary for design professionals to understand in detail, but can be somewhat complicated and confusing. This seminar focuses on clarifying application of the various standards (FHA, ADA, UFAS, IBC / ANSI) to Multi-Unit Housing compliance. It includes details of the “Dirty Dozen” most common issues in multi-unit housing accessibility compliance. Endelman & Associates (E&A) will address how to solve some of the most common issues in design and in the field, using photos and on the fly sketches. The application of 2010 ADA Standards is limited in multi-unit housing. We will discuss some scoping areas that may impact your projects. E&A will help provide you a good risk management perspective, and ways to minimize risk.

Early Bird Deadline: Friday, May 11, 2018. After this time, the price increases 15%.

Click here for more information.

William E. Endelman, AIA | Architect and Principal/Owner, Endelman & Associates
Michael Schneider, AIA, CASp | Principal/Owner, Endelman & Associates

Learning Objectives

  1. Provide overview of FHA / ADA / IBC Code accessibility standards and applicability to projects.
  2. Provide practical overview of multi-unit housing Fair Housing Act (FHA) requirements and design implications, per the recommended “safe harbor” of the FHA Design Manual and referenced ANSI A117.1.
  3. Learn the dozen most accessibility common compliance mistakes in design and in the field.
  4. Learn key issues of the 2010 ADA Standards applicable to multi unit housing, and some new scoping provisions.




