Roofing-Related Revisions in IBC 2024  

Code Changes Have an Impact on Roof Designs

Sponsored by SOPREMA, Inc. and IB Roof Systems | Presented by Mark S. Graham

Webinar On-Demand

This program will provide an overview of the roofing-related changes contained in the International Building Code, 2024 Edition. The newest edition to the building code incorporates notable changes in design wind load, occupiable rooftop, rooftop-mounted PV and reroofing provisions. Designers need to be aware of these changes and account for them in their designs.


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Mark S. Graham joined the NRCA in 1993. His responsibilities include developing and implementing the association's technical positions, responding to inquiries for technical assistance, serving as the association's liaison with outside organizations, and developing and maintaining the association's technical publications, including The NRCA Roofing Manual.

He is an active member of ASTM International serving on several committees, including Committee C16 on Thermal Insulation, Committee D08 on Roofing and Waterproofing and Committee E05 on Fire Standards. He is also an active member of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Inc., International Code Council and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), serving on NFPA's Committee on Structures, Construction and Materials.

Originally published in Building Enclosure

Originally published in March 2024

  • Explain how to access the International Building Code, 2024 Edition, the other related 2024 I-codes and past editions of the codes.
  • Identify the new formatting and arrangement of provisions in the 2024 I-codes.
  • Determine important changes in the roofing-related provisions of the International Building Code, 2024 Edition.
  • Assess how the code changes will impact roof system designs.